June 25, 2024

 Oooooh, that nasty office fridge!

Okay, folks… we typically don’t get involved in cleaning out the office fridge. But because we’re neat freaks and purveyors of cleanliness, we’re going to help you compose the PERFECT Office Fridge Clean-Out Email to send to your staff.

First things first. You never want to clean out the office fridge without warning. The last thing you want is to toss a colleague’s 80-year-old sourdough starter that was innocently in transit from grandma’s funeral.

You’re probably aware that most office fridge clean-out emails are usually passive-aggressive masterpieces written by an office admin who is tired of sniff-testing the milk. Or an ALL-CAPS GEM TYPED AGGRESSIVELY BY A DEPARTMENT HEAD WHO JUST DIPPED A FINGER INTO A BLUEISH-GREEN POT OF FUR THAT USED TO BE YOGURT.

That said, we’ve crafted the perfect clean-out email so you don’t have to give it another thought. Simply copy, paste, and send. You’re welcome.

Hey, Team!

Do you keep stuff in the fridge? If so, you probably noticed it’s getting a bit crowded. And a lot smelly.

That’s why we’re having an Office Fridge Clean-Out Party next Friday at noon. The mission? To rescue the fridge from the clutches of expired yogurts, mysterious Tupperware, and that one sandwich that’s been giving us all the side-eye for weeks.

Here’s what you need to do to save your precious snacks from a frosty fate:

1. Label Your Loves: Anything you want to keep should be labeled with your name and a date. Remember, “ASAP” is not a date.

2. Identify Your UFOs (Unidentified Fridge Objects): If it’s yours and it’s growing hair, it’s time

to set it free. Toss it.

3. Say Goodbye: Bid a fond farewell to that half-eaten jar of salsa from the Cinco de Mayo party. It served you well, but time for it to be retired.

4. No Containers Left Behind: We’ll be purging any unlabeled containers. If you don’t want

to lose your Aunt Betty’s wedding gift to you, take it home or mark it!

We promise this will be a blame-free and judgement-free zone. Let’s make the office fridge a happy place again. Thank you for your cooperation.


(your name here)

Chief Fridge Whisperer