August 12, 2022

Hey, What’s That Smell?

Dirty restrooms are a thing. If your company’s restrooms are among the dirty, it can have a serious impact on how well your business performs and how it’s perceived.

 Number 1 (sorry, we had to do it), customers see the quality of your restrooms as a reflection of the quality of your business. If one part of your business leaves a bad impression, people will question the entire operation. Not cool.

 Number 2 (we can’t resist bathroom humor), dirty restrooms can be a health hazard as they become gathering places for all kinds of germs. If restrooms are not kept clean, these germs will linger around and cause all sorts of problems for both customers and employees. As far as employees go, that could mean more sick time. Again, not cool.

 At Kleenrite, we’re mighty damn proud of the way we clean restrooms. We train our team on a multi-step process so nothing gets missed. We also use different colored microfiber cloths to clean everything from mirrors and stainless steel to toilets, sinks, partitions, and walls. We do this to prevent cross-contamination.

 We even pay attention to non-surface things like floor drains, which can become a source for odors when they become dried out.

 Okay, you’re never going to host a picnic in your restrooms. But making sure they’re clean can and will have an impact on your image. Count on Kleenrite to take those rooms very seriously. Because a clean restroom means a happy company.