Hey, green rhymes with clean

If you’re an avid reader of our blog (and why wouldn’t you be?), you may recall we wrote about the benefits of green cleaning. We’re not going to rehash all that goodness, but we still feel it’s an important enough topic to write about it again.

The term “green cleaning” can mean a lot of things. But the main goal of this cleaning process is to use cleaning solutions that keep our environment healthy and free of toxins. Hey, we deal with enough daily toxins that are beyond our control. So, every little bit of toxin-busting we can do, the better, right?

Green is good.

Why do we care so much about this? Did you know that since WWII, over 75,000 chemicals have been introduced into consumer products, yet less than 5% of them have been tested for health or environmental side effects?

That’s pretty mind blowing, so we decided to do our part.

First of all, chemicals can cause headaches and many other health problems so we figured we should use less of them. Second, green cleaning helps with air and water pollution, ozone depletion and other bad stuff. Third, the use of rags and microfiber cloths eliminate single-use paper towels that end up in a landfill. It all adds up.

The Kleenrite way.

We use Hillyard Green Select® cleaning products. In other words, we use the good stuff. These products are formulated to be non-toxic, phosphate free, biodegradable, and non-flammable. There are no hazardous ingredients and they’re formulated with glycolic acid – the same organic acid found in sugar cane, beets, and fruits. Oh, and they’re even Green Seal Certified.

These products are great for ceramic tile, porcelain, sinks, toilet bowls, fiberglass, plastic, chrome, and pretty much every surface you can think of. Take that, germs!

From the health of your employees to your business’ ecological footprint, green cleaning just makes sense. Which, in turn, leads to a more productive and healthier workforce.

Huddle up, team. Let’s clean this office the right way!

There’s more than one way for a commercial cleaning company to go about cleaning an office or workplace. They could rely on zone cleaning, where each member of the cleaning team is focused on a particular zone. Or, they could use team cleaning, where people learn and perfect certain tasks and perform them throughout your facility.

So, which is better?

While both methods will get the job done, there are more benefits to the team cleaning approach, which is how cleaning gets done at Kleenrite Co., the only certified team cleaning service in Sioux Falls.

Kleenrite breaks your space into quadrants where various cleaning tasks are performed by a team of specialists during each visit. There’s a team member who focuses on surface and window cleaning. Another team member focuses on vacuuming while another focuses on restrooms. With task specialists, you increase efficiency and also reduce the possibility of cross contamination.

Think about the very nature of a team.

On the football field, every member of the team has a defined role. Offensive linemen protect the quarterback and open holes for the running backs. Running backs advance the ball by virtue of the opportunities created by the linemen. And so on. The same principles apply to team cleaning.

Instead of multitasking and “wearing many hats,” team cleaning involves specialization, which increases productivity. Think about it. With varied responsibilities as is the case with zone cleaning, it’s more likely that a cleaner will miss things. Plus, with zone cleaning, each cleaner needs their own equipment, which results in costly duplication of supplies, not to mention more space needed for storage – all costs that a cleaning company will pass on to customers.

Team cleaning outperforms zone cleaning. Yay, team!

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons team cleaning is a better alternative.

  • Cleaners are trained to do one job well
  • A higher quality of cleaning is performed in less time, which saves on costs
  • Team cleaning can be customized to your facility
  • Fewer equipment costs means lower costs for customers
  • A more cooperative attitude among cleaners because everyone understands their role

Team cleaning could be the answer to the problem of cost.

We get it. Many companies are tightening their belts and trying to reduce expenses. Team cleaning can help you reduce overall cleaning costs while keeping your facility clean and safe. Think about it, one person vacuuming your entire facility can get that task done far more efficiently than several people juggling a laundry list of duties. With a team of specialists focused on perfecting one task, it’s easy to see the efficiencies at work.

How can team cleaning work for you?

Are you happy with the quality of service you’re getting from your current commercial cleaning company? If you are, great. If you’re not, it might be time for a change.

Look for professional cleaners who focus on best practices and efficiencies that can end up saving you money.

Kleenrite has been in the commercial cleaning business in the Sioux Falls area since 1973. Over the years, processes have been perfected, which has resulted in consistent, responsive and affordable service for businesses across southeastern South Dakota.

Commercial cleaning for covid? Here’s what to look for.

Commercial cleaning was thrust into the spotlight shortly after the onset of COVID-19. With a heightened focus on hygiene and killing germs, more and more businesses turned to professional cleaning companies to help keep work environments safe.

During a pandemic such as this one, traditional methods won’t do when it comes to cleaning. Dry dusting kicks up particles and distributes them into the air. And wet dusting doesn’t reach those hard-to-reach places.

With that in mind, commercial cleaning companies had to up their game in order to combat this ever-spreading virus. However, one Sioux Falls commercial cleaning company was able to take a “business as usual” approach to cleaning during COVID because it was already using advanced disinfecting methods. That company is Kleenrite Co.

Insist on electrostatic sprayers to disinfect surfaces.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the coronavirus primarily spreads through close contact from person to person. Some without symptoms can even spread the virus. While we’re still learning about it, the CDC suggests that it’s possible for the virus to persist on surfaces and infect someone if they touch an affected surface and then touch their eyes or mouth.

Therefore, surfaces such as desks, tables, chairs, handrails, door handles, and office equipment should be cleaned and disinfected to stop the possible spread of contaminants.

Fortunately, this virus is relatively easy to kill on such surfaces – if you know how to do it and have the right tools. One such tool is an electrostatic sprayer. By giving the molecules of disinfectant a positive electrostatic charge before leaving the spray gun, the disinfectant attaches to surfaces evenly and creates a coating that distributes the disinfectant into recessed areas.

Kleenrite uses electrostatic sprayers as part of its cleaning process to truly disinfects surface areas. It’s the same system used by airlines and the process works well for awkwardly shaped objects or hard-to-reach places. Once the spray is applied, the sanitizing agent goes to work to disinfect the surface.

If you’re going to clean, Kleenrite.

Kleenrite cleaning pros are uniquely prepared to clean and disinfect your business in accordance with the protocols set by the CDC. With years of experience dealing with contaminants, Kleenrite is able to go beyond what typical cleaners can do.

Heightened cleaning standards are going to be in place for the long haul. And businesses will have to demonstrate improvement in cleaning protocols to employees and customers in order for them to feel safe.

If you currently work with a commercial cleaning company, ask what they’re doing to comply with CDC standards. Or if you’re looking to start a relationship with a commercial cleaner, ask the same question. And be sure to compare with the strict standards that have been put in place by Kleenrite long before COVID.

Keep your office safe. Choose your cleaning company wisely.

Is green cleaning right for your business?

Many businesses are working hard to be sustainable. That could mean finding ways to be energy efficient. It could mean seeking out vendors that have strict environmental policies. But what about cleaning? During a time when many companies are trying to be green, many still use toxic products to clean an office or facility.

It’s easy to overlook them, but the cleaning products you use at your business can affect the health of your staff and visitors. 

So what is green cleaning?

Green cleaning is cleaning to protect health without harming the environment. It goes beyond chemical and equipment choices to include policies, procedures and training to ensure you’re minimizing the impact of cleaning on your team and your facility.

Making the switch to green cleaning products isn’t as easy as it sounds, however. To fully evaluate a cleaning product, you have to know all the ingredients and how they might interact with each other.

Is green cleaning beneficial?

Let’s look at a few of the ways that green cleaning could be beneficial for your business.

Green cleaning is more sustainable.

Green cleaning is kinder to our planet than regular cleaning. The materials used are often made with natural, plant-based and eco-friendly materials. By using these type of products, you help reduce air and water pollution. Another bonus is that green cleaning materials usually have similarly green packaging, meaning the packaging is either minimal or is made from recycled material.

Green cleaning is a safer choice.

Conventional cleaning products could cause harm to the skin, eyes, and lungs. Meanwhile, green cleaning products often contain natural cleaners and solutions, making them safer to use. Green cleaning doesn’t end there. Commercial cleaning companies that use green cleaning methods – like Kleenrite Co. in Sioux Falls – also take pride in the proper handling and storage of cleaning materials.

Green cleaning is efficient.

Green cleaning reduces waste and catches and fixes potential cleaning problems early. Green cleaning teams are knowledgeable about how to reduce the amount of cleaning products needed so that nothing goes to waste.

Green cleaning is healthier.

Common cleaning products contain chemicals and fumes that can aggravate many medical conditions such as asthma. With green cleaning, you can reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals so you no longer have to worry about breathing in fumes or coming in contact with harmful chemicals.

Are you ready to go green?

Using green cleaning methods can offer several benefits to the health of your staff and customers. It also preserves the environment.

If you’re in the market for a dependable commercial cleaning service for your office, ask to hear about their stance on green cleaning. And be sure to include Kleenrite in your selection process. Kleenrite has used green cleaning methods for years. More information is just a phone call away.