A clean office is key during flu season

Flu season is upon us, which often turns an office into the workplace version of The Walking Dead. Instead of dodging sneezes, consider how Kleenrite can at least help with the spread of the crud.

Fewer germs mean fewer “Who Sneezed on My Keyboard” moments

All it takes is a simple touch of a computer mouse or stapler to help cold, flu, or other random mystery illnesses punch a one-way ticket to your immune system. A clean office can stop this hand-me-down germ festival instead of pretending that the giant hand sanitizer dispenser from Costco is going to save you.

Preserve sick days

Too many people use their sick days for pretending they’re sick while binge-watching the latest series on Netflix. Keep the office clean and you’ll keep your team from burning through sick days. They’ll thank you later when the next hot show needs to be streamed.

Clean up those awkward water cooler conversations

Remember last year when the guy from IT sounded like a wheezing accordion but insisted on telling you about his weekend while you were standing around the water cooler? A Kleenrite-cleaned office means fewer people looking – and sounding – like they’re one tissue away from disaster. That’s a win-win for everyone!

Avoid office flu Olympics

In every office flu outbreak, it feels like a showdown for the coveted title of “Last One Standing.” A clean office helps stop the spread so we can skip the Office Flu Olympics where only the strongest immune systems survive.

This flu season, skip the drama and keep the germs at bay. Your coworkers will thank you and you’ll keep your immune system free for more important battles like avoiding the common cold your kid brings home from daycare.

Commercial cleaning can be a breath of fresh air. Literally.

What do you think of when someone mentions commercial cleaning? Sparkling floors? Shiny windows? Perhaps a fresh lemony scent wafting through the office? 

While those are all solid answers, commercial cleaning can do a lot more than just keep things looking neat. It can also play a role in supercharging your indoor air quality. 

That’s right—those cleaning crews are like undercover agents, quietly battling dust, allergens, and even toxic chemicals to keep your air as clean as your surfaces. Let’s pull back the curtain on the secret life of dust and discover how commercial cleaning is doing its part to help you breathe easy. 

Dust: The Unseen Villain

Dust might seem harmless, but this sneaky devil is more than just a collection of tiny particles. It’s a complex and disgusting mix of dead skin cells, pollen, mold spores, and even microscopic pieces of plastic. Left unchecked, dust can become a magnet for allergens and bacteria, making your indoor air less than fresh.

Enter the cleaning crew, armed with high-tech tools like HEPA vacuums and microfiber cloths. These aren’t your ordinary household cleaners—HEPA vacuums are like the Ferraris of the vacuum world, trapping 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. That’s smaller than a grain of salt! Meanwhile, microfiber cloths grab dust and dirt like a magnet, without flinging it back into the air. Together, they wage a silent war against dust, ensuring that your indoor air stays clean and breathable.

The Chemical Conundrum

Not all that glitters is gold, and not all that smells good is safe. Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can leave behind more than just a pleasant scent. These chemicals, known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), can linger in the air long after the cleaning is done, contributing to indoor air pollution.

The good news? Kleenrite embraces green cleaning products that are free from these harmful VOCs. Instead of synthetic fragrances and harsh disinfectants, these eco-friendly products use natural ingredients like essential oils and plant-based cleaners that are just as effective without the toxic side effects. Your office might still smell like lavender, but now it’s the real deal, not a chemical imitation.

The Science of Sanitization

Beyond dust and chemicals, there’s another player in the indoor air quality game: sanitization. In today’s world, keeping surfaces germ-free is more important than ever, but traditional disinfectants can sometimes create airborne irritants. Here’s where advanced commercial cleaning techniques shine.

Electrostatic sprayers, for example, are revolutionizing the way spaces are sanitized. These devices charge the cleaning solution particles so they stick to surfaces evenly, even wrapping around hard-to-reach areas. This ensures every nook and cranny is disinfected and reduces the amount of product needed, cutting down on chemical residue in the air.

So, the next time someone mentions commercial cleaning, remember they’re not just tidying up. They’re your indoor air quality guardians, using their skills, tools, and products to create a healthier environment. Whether they’re zapping dust, banishing VOCs, or sanitizing surfaces, these unsung heroes are making sure that your air is as clean as your workspace. Breathe easy—commercial cleaning has your back!

The sparkling standard: Transform your space with Kleenrite

This just in: The world moves fast. The last thing you have time for is maintaining a clean and hygienic work environment for you and your team. Enter Kleenrite – an unsung hero ensuring workplaces are spotless, safe, and welcoming.

The heart of clean and why it matters

We specialize in attention to detail. Go ahead and give the spaces we clean the ol’ white glove test. We dare you. This meticulous attention to detail leads to several benefits.

1. Health & Safety

A clean environment reduces the spread of illness and contributes to the well-being of employees and customers. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas where germs can breed like rabbits in the springtime.

2. Professional Image

First impressions matter. A well-kept workspace reflects professionalism and care, thereby enhancing your company’s reputation while.

3. Productivity Boost

Face it, you’re more productive in a clean, clutter-free workspace. It boosts morale and productivity while allowing everyone to stay focused.

4. Stuff Lasts Longer

Regular cleaning can extend the lifespan of office furniture, carpets, and equipment. This not only saves you money in the long run, but also ensures your business remains inviting and functional.

What about the environment?

You’ll dig the fact that we subscribe to eco-friendly practices whenever possible. We use green cleaning products, try to reduce water usage, and more. So not only will your business look good, you’ll also be able to feel good that it’s done with care.

Keep it clean, people!

As we enter the second half of the year, make a commitment to clean. You’ll love what it can do for your bottom line. Whether it’s an office, a retail space, or an industrial facility, an investment in professional cleaning services is a smart choice. So, when you think “clean right,” think Kleenrite. We’d love to show you how we can make a difference.

  The art of gamifying commercial cleaning

If you’ve been a regular reader of our blog, you already know we’re into cleaning… big time. You might be asking, “What keeps you sane while doing something the rest of us have no desire to do?” Well, wonder no more. Here are a few things we do to keep our job interesting:

The quest for perfect vacuum lines.

We groove to those satisfying, straight vacuum lines on carpets. In fact, they’re like the Holy Grail for commercial cleaners. Achieving this level of perfection takes the precision of a brain surgeon. One wrong step, and it’s back to square one.

The paperclip and staple safari.

If there was a competition for finding the most bizarre items in the strangest places, commercial cleaners would win, hands down. To us, we make a game out of it. It’s like an Easter egg hunt. Heck, we even found a full stapler in a potted plant once. Don’t ask.

Solving the mystery of never-ending dust.

No matter how often we dust, it always comes back with a vengeance. You know, kinda like a bad sequel to a horror movie. We like to challenge ourselves to figure out why this phenomenon happens. When we figure it out, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, we consider it job security.

The chair maze game.

Office chairs are like mischievous toddlers – they never stay where you leave them. One moment they’re tucked neatly under a desk; the next, they’re scattered like they’ve been in a high-stakes game of musical chairs. Navigating this obstacle course is a skill only seasoned pros like us can master without losing sanity.

The next time you walk into a sparkling clean office, spare a thought for the unsung heroes behind the scenes. What we do isn’t sexy. But it matters. And how we go about it makes it fun. We not only sweep floors and empty trash cans. We navigate a labyrinth of unusual challenges to keep your space pristine. Who knows? With the stuff we encounter, we might just make a sitcom out of it. Or perhaps a game show.

 Oooooh, that nasty office fridge!

Okay, folks… we typically don’t get involved in cleaning out the office fridge. But because we’re neat freaks and purveyors of cleanliness, we’re going to help you compose the PERFECT Office Fridge Clean-Out Email to send to your staff.

First things first. You never want to clean out the office fridge without warning. The last thing you want is to toss a colleague’s 80-year-old sourdough starter that was innocently in transit from grandma’s funeral.

You’re probably aware that most office fridge clean-out emails are usually passive-aggressive masterpieces written by an office admin who is tired of sniff-testing the milk. Or an ALL-CAPS GEM TYPED AGGRESSIVELY BY A DEPARTMENT HEAD WHO JUST DIPPED A FINGER INTO A BLUEISH-GREEN POT OF FUR THAT USED TO BE YOGURT.

That said, we’ve crafted the perfect clean-out email so you don’t have to give it another thought. Simply copy, paste, and send. You’re welcome.

Hey, Team!

Do you keep stuff in the fridge? If so, you probably noticed it’s getting a bit crowded. And a lot smelly.

That’s why we’re having an Office Fridge Clean-Out Party next Friday at noon. The mission? To rescue the fridge from the clutches of expired yogurts, mysterious Tupperware, and that one sandwich that’s been giving us all the side-eye for weeks.

Here’s what you need to do to save your precious snacks from a frosty fate:

1. Label Your Loves: Anything you want to keep should be labeled with your name and a date. Remember, “ASAP” is not a date.

2. Identify Your UFOs (Unidentified Fridge Objects): If it’s yours and it’s growing hair, it’s time

to set it free. Toss it.

3. Say Goodbye: Bid a fond farewell to that half-eaten jar of salsa from the Cinco de Mayo party. It served you well, but time for it to be retired.

4. No Containers Left Behind: We’ll be purging any unlabeled containers. If you don’t want

to lose your Aunt Betty’s wedding gift to you, take it home or mark it!

We promise this will be a blame-free and judgement-free zone. Let’s make the office fridge a happy place again. Thank you for your cooperation.


(your name here)

Chief Fridge Whisperer

Great moments in cleaning history (part deux)

Awhile back – May, 2023 to be exact – we dove into a handful of amazing cleaning moments that people like us find incredibly fascinating.

We know you’re not like us when it comes to your interest in this stuff. But doggone it, it’s high time someone paid homage to the inventive minds that sought solutions to the age-old task of cleaning. Since we’re geeks about the topic, we decided to take on the task of bringing you even more of these enlightening tidbits.

Broom & Dustpan

These puppies date back to ancient times and they’re still relevant today. Originally made from natural stuff like twigs and straw, these early versions paved the way for more sophisticated cleaning tools.

Vacuum Cleaner

The invention of this bad boy in the late 19th century revolutionized cleaning. Patented by Hubert Cecil Booth in 1901, the first motorized vacuum used suction to remove dust and dirt from carpet and floors. Brilliant!


Although the exact origins of soap aren’t clear, it has been used for cleaning purposes for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Romans made soap from a mixture of animal fats and ashes. Soap is still a thing, but we tend to use stuff way stronger (yet very safe) to make sure your workplace doesn’t become a Petri dish.

Disinfectants & Antiseptics

As we were saying, we need more than soap for a job well done. The discovery of germ theory in the 19th century revolutionized our understanding of disease transmission and the importance of cleanliness in preventing illness. Look closer at a Kleenrite cart and you’ll get a quick overview of the good stuff.

Microfiber Cleaning Technology

In the late 20th century, microfiber cleaning technology became all the rage. Microfiber cloths and mops are made from ultra-fine synthetic fibers that trap dirt, dust, and bacteria. Compared to regular old rags, microfiber brings a superior cleaning performance and can reduce the need for chemical cleaners. Kind of a win-win.

There you have it, people. A few more examples of the many inventions that our crew worships every single day. Thanks for reading. And if you happen to win a cash prize at your next trivia night when “Cleaning Inventions” is one of the categories, we expect you to buy us a beer for all the help.

 5 mistakes when hiring a commercial cleaning company

Keeping your workspace clean is not for the faint of heart. That’s why it can be wise to turn those duties over to someone else so you can focus on running your business.

However, when choosing a commercial cleaner for your business, it’s important to avoid these common mistakes that could lead to dissatisfaction or inefficiency:

1. Not Researching the Company Thoroughly

Rushing into a decision without researching a commercial cleaning company can be a recipe for disaster. Check reviews. Ask for referrals. Do whatever detective work you can so you don’t end up with a company that doesn’t meet your standards or lacks the chops to do the job right.

2. Focusing Solely on Price

We get it. Money is sometimes tight. And while cost is, indeed, a factor, choosing a commercial cleaner based solely on the lowest price usually isn’t wise. Low prices may indicate subpar service or hidden fees. Consider the value provided by the cleaning company, including their reputation, experience, and the quality of their services, rather than just the upfront cost.

3. Overlooking Insurance

Kind of a no-brainer, but it’s often overlooked. Make darn sure your cleaning company has liability insurance to cover any damages or accidents that may happen on your property.

4. Ignoring Customization and Flexibility

Every business is different. So, why would you hire a cleaning company thinking they’re all the same? Look for a cleaner willing to customize their services to meet your specific requirements. Flexibility in scheduling, cleaning frequencies, and the ability to accommodate special requests or changes are things to keep in mind.

5. Neglecting Communication

Communication is kind of a big deal and is key to a successful partnership with a commercial cleaning company. Not establishing clear lines of communication from the beginning can lead to misunderstandings, missed expectations, and dissatisfaction.

Avoid these common mistakes and you’ll be well on your way to a sparkling good relationship with your cleaning company. And everyone can live happily ever after!

The magical joy of ‘Deep blue’

To those of you who are not self-proclaimed cleaning geeks, “Deep Blue” might conjure images of the ocean. Or maybe it makes you think of that somewhat famous chess-playing IBM supercomputer of the same name.

To us, “Deep Blue” is the name of another magic potion that takes up residency in our cleaning carts.

We won’t bore you with details about its pH levels (between 10.0 and 12.0 if you’re curious) or the fact it’s 100% soluble in water. We’ll cut right to the chase.

Deep Blue quickly penetrates dust, smoke, grease, and grime on pretty much any glass surface. Its versatile formula means we can also use it to clean stainless steel, Formica, plastic, porcelain, and chrome. And not only does it provide an excellent clean; it also polishes and brightens most hard surfaces.

We don’t expect you to get jazzed about cleaning the way we do. But sharing our passion is a nice way to help you understand the methods behind our madness. Plus, it gives you a meaningful conversation starter if you ever see us while working late on cleaning night. Just be warned… we can talk all night about this stuff.

The Pitfalls of DIY Commercial Cleaning

We hear it all the time. “We have mops, brooms and rags… we don’t need no stinkin’ cleaning service.” Well, you certainly CAN clean your office space yourself. But we’re guessing you have better things to do. Like run your business.

Because “Why do we need to hire you?” is one of our most-asked questions, we figured it would make sense to serve up a few compelling reasons. Here we go…

We know our #@*&!

Bottom line is that we’re trained professionals who specialize in efficient and effective cleaning. Trust us, we’ve seen every type of stain or mess imaginable. Meaning we know exactly what to do in every situation.

We save you time.

Running a business takes time. So does cleaning. Hiring Kleenrite frees up valuable time for you to focus on making widgets or whatever it is you do. The old saying, “It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it” certainly applies here.

We clean right.

Allow us to connect the dots. We clean right… and the name of our business is Kleenrite. Sometimes, we’re so darn clever, we just stare at each other in amazement. But seriously, we have professional-grade equipment and cleaning solutions to ensure you get a high standard of cleanliness.

We customize.

Whatever you need, we do it just for you. Whether it’s regular cleaning, deep cleaning, or specialized services for certain areas, we’ll create a custom cleaning plan that fits you.

We’re cost-effective.

Seems counterintuitive, but working with us can save you money. To handle the job yourself, you’d need to continually invest in cleaning supplies and equipment. Not to mention the time you spend doing it can really add up. We have cost-effective options that provide a literal crap-ton of value.

We make your place healthier.

We’re all over industry standards and health/safety guidelines like ugly on an ape. The stuff we use promotes a hygienic and safe environment to reduce the risk of illness or accidents in the workplace. That said, we still don’t recommend you go around licking doorknobs.

We deliver big first impressions.

A clean business space creates a positive first impression on customers, clients, and potential hires. You can’t put a price tag on that!

Still not convinced? One call puts the wheels in motion for a no-obligation consultation. We think you’ll dig our program. Until then, think clean thoughts.

New year, new dawn: Making your office sparkle in 2024

As we turn our calendars to 2024, you’re presented with a golden opportunity to wipe the slate clean and fill it with New Year’s resolutions.

Of course, we’re talking about your pledge to keep your commercial space cleaner than ever before. As luck would have it, we can help with that.

Our mop-wielding pros have an arsenal of cleaning supplies that can transform your office into a shining beacon of order and cleanliness. Think of us as your unsung heroes of order, your wizards of wipe, and your maestros of mop. Given a chance, we’ll excavate layers of paperwork to vanquish dust bunnies and unearth forgotten office supplies with military precision.

Let’s face it. Sometimes you need more than good intentions. Make the New Year a chance to usher in a new era – a cleaner new era that will have your clients or customers buzzing. Forget the weight loss gimmicks and other empty promises you’re about to make. This year, lean into a resolution you can actually achieve.

Imagine a utopian office space where trash cans are never overflowing and the break room is a beacon of sanitation. Where the thrill of filled restroom soap dispensers and odor-free common areas are the norm.

Come on, people… you can do this. Shatter the expectations of a perpetually messy and bacteria-filled workplace. Welcome our cleaning warriors with open arms and let’s make 2024 the year to shine. Literally.

The Magic of Microfiber

At Kleenrite, we don’t just grab any old mop to swab the floors of our customers across the Sioux Falls area. When we clean, we clean right (hence the name of our business!). That’s why we insist on commercial-grade microfiber mops.

First, they’re super-efficient. Microfiber mops trap and remove dirt, dust bunnies, and bacteria from surfaces instead of just pushing them around like a grater on a dirt road. They’re also very absorbent. These amazing tools can hold a literal crap-ton of liquid, which makes them great for spills and leaving surfaces dry after cleaning.

Next up, microfiber mops are more durable than those batteries with the drumming spokesbunny. They’re made of a material that can withstand frequent use and washing. Perfect for the high-traffic and large spaces found in many businesses. Plus, they can be used on tile, hardwood, laminate and even delicate surfaces.

One of the things we like best about these gems is that is allows us to use fewer chemicals as compared to traditional mops. Microfiber mops can remove dirt and bacteria with just water so they’re environmentally friendly and can contribute to cost savings.

We don’t mess around at Kleenrite. We use only the best equipment and supplies. And it shows in every glistening workplace we tend to across our fine city. Need your place cleaned right? You know who to call.

Boldy cleaning where no one has cleaned before: The wonders of Kling toilet bowl cleaner

 In the vast expanse of bathroom galaxies, one cleaner has boldly gone where no toilet bowl cleaner has gone before – Kling Toilet Bowl Cleaner! Strap in, because we’re about to embark on a wondrous journey about one of the most valuable items on all Kleenrite cleaning carts. 

Beam Me Up, Stains!

You’ve likely encountered stubborn stains that seemed like they were from another dimension. Fear not, for Kling Toilet Bowl Cleaner sends those stains packing to even the most distant Klingon penal colony. No stain can resist the power of Kling – it’s like a photon torpedo for your porcelain throne.

Klingonic Freshness

While most toilet bowl cleaners merely mask odors, Kling takes it a step further. It doesn’t just eliminate unpleasant smells; it obliterates them with a scent so fresh it’s like a burst of clean air from a springtime meadow. Your restrooms will smell so fantastic you’ll want to eat your lunch in there. Seriously.

Like a Force Field… Only Stronger

Kling Toilet Bowl Cleaner doesn’t clean. It conquers. Its formula is so powerful that it forms an invisible force field around your toilet, protecting it from pretty much everything. Your porcelain throne will become a symbol of envy.

Warp-Speed Cleaning

In the time it takes other cleaners to make their way through the neutral zone of your toilet, Kling has already reached warp speed. Its advanced formula means less time scrubbing and more time doing things that are way more fun than cleaning toilets – like binge-watching your favorite Netflix series or perfecting your karaoke skills.

Klingonomics: Because Kling Is Worth It

Kling Toilet Bowl Cleaner ain’t cheap. But it’s worth every penny because it’s not just a cleaner. It’s an experience. And who wouldn’t pay a little extra for the privilege of having a toilet that’s cleaner than the average surgical suite?

You probably don’t spend a ton of time thinking about your toilets. But we do. And because we use maximum strength products like Kling, you reap the benefits. You’re welcome. Now go have yourself a nice day. Your thrones are in good hands with us.

Clean-Speak 101: Behold the magic of PH7

Picture this:

It’s a bustling day and a Kleenrite crew is buzzing around a client’s office like caffeinated hummingbirds. Suddenly, they encounter an unidentified puddle of goo. What happens next? They reach for the PH7.

What the heck is PH7? It sounds like a mad scientist’s formula, doesn’t it? But it’s actually a type of multi-purpose cleaner that delivers a nifty combination of gentle and effective. Not to get all “science-y” on you, but it kinda makes water wetter by spreading out the drops instead of letting them bead up. This breaks down surface tension for a cleaner clean.

PH7 is designed to tackle a veritable pot pourri of cleaning tasks and is safe to use on about any surface. At Kleenrite, we especially dig PH7 for cleaning floors. Here’s why:

1. It’s the great neutralizer.

PH7 can swoop in to neutralize things like acidic coffee spills that threaten to etch their mark forever. Your floors will thank you.

2. It’s a harmony keeper.

PH7 maintains the peace. It can handle messes with the grace of a diplomat diffusing a tense situation. It’s almost as if you can hear PH7 say, “Calm down, everyone; we can coexist.”

3. It enhances the mood.

Get your mind out of the gutter. We’re talking office mood here. PH7 is like having an office therapist. It restores a harmonious pH balance to the entire workplace so colleagues stop bickering about whose turn it is to clean the microwave.

4. It’s a non-toxic crusader.

PH7 is the environmentally friendly, non-toxic champion of commercial cleaning. Unlike other cleaning products, it won’t trigger an evacuation when inhaled. Everyone will breathe easier.

5. It’s an odor banisher.

Forget those chemical odors that remind you of a science lab. PH7 leaves behind a fresh, clean scent that’s every bit as inviting as a basket of freshly baked donuts.

6. It’s a versatile virtuoso.

No matter if we’re fighting grime, grease, or everyday dust and dirt, PH7 gets it done without having to clutter up the ol’ cleaning cart with dozens of different products.

See, PH7 is kind of our unsung hero because it’s like having a fairy godmother in a bottle. We hope you enjoyed this deeper dive into our crazy world of being neat freaks. Stick with us and you’ll be talking fluent clean-speak before you know it. 

The legend of squeakyville

The story may be fictitious. But we present this far-fetched tale for two reasons. We want you to be entertained. And to remind you that, although commercial cleaning is serious business, we like to have fun. With that, please enjoy…

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Squeakyville, there existed a commercial cleaning company named Kleenrite. It was known far and wide for its impeccable reputation in turning the messiest of places into pristine havens. However, there was one particular job that would go down in infamy as the “Commercial Cleaning Horror from Hell.”

It all began when Mr. Snodgrass, the owner of a dilapidated old factory, gave Kleenrite a call. The facility hadn’t been cleaned in decades, and the layers of grime and mystery substances that had accumulated were enough to make a biohazard team cringe. The person in charge of customer cleanliness, a confident and slightly eccentric man named Tim, saw this as the ultimate challenge. He assembled his team of cleaning experts and set out to tackle the mess head-on.

As they entered the factory, the team was hit by an overwhelming smell that could only be described as a mix between rotten eggs, week-old fish, and something we cannot publish in this blog. But Tim was undeterred. Armed with an arsenal of cleaning supplies, the team rolled up their sleeves and got to work.

Their vacuum cleaners roared, their mops swished, and their faces twisted in disgust as they encountered who-knows-what lurking in the shadows. At one point, a mop handle snapped in half as it tried to tackle a particularly stubborn gooey substance on the floor. Tim, with his unwavering determination, declared, “Fear not, for we shall triumph over this mess!”

Hours turned into days, and the team’s progress was slow but steady. They uncovered artifacts that seemed to belong in a museum of oddities – from a disco ball covered in bacon grease, to a stack of antique “Employee of the Month” plaques.

But the real horror was yet to come. As the team ventured deeper into the bowels of the factory, they stumbled upon a locked room. Determined to leave no corner untouched, Tim pulled out a set of keys and opened the door. The sight that greeted them was beyond their wildest nightmares.

Thousands of rubber ducks, all shapes, and sizes, were crammed into the room. They formed a sea of yellow and orange, their beady eyes staring blankly ahead. It was as if this room had become a secret rubber duck graveyard. Tim, aghast and flabbergasted, couldn’t help but burst into nervous laughter. “Well,” he managed to choke out, “I guess this is the rubber ducky apocalypse we’ve all been fearing.”

The story of the “Commercial Cleaning Horror from Hell” quickly spread throughout Squeakyville, becoming the stuff of legend. Kleenrite managed to conquer the mess eventually, though the memory of that rubber duck room haunted their dreams for nights to come.

And so, dear reader, if you ever find yourself faced with a cleaning challenge that seems insurmountable, just remember the brave souls at Kleenrite. Then call to discuss your situation. 

Feel free to ask for Tim.

 9 sarcastic steps for choosing a commercial cleaning company

 Yippee! The dust bunnies at the office have taken over and you finally decided to find yourself a commercial cleaning company to tame these beasts. How do you get started? We’re going to turn convention on its head and give you a sarcastic look at how NOT to get started. Hang on tight… here we go! 

Step 1
Lackadaisical Research 

Start your journey by doing the bare minimum amount of research. Just pick the first company that pop up on a search engine without bothering to read any reviews or testimonials. After all, who needs other people’s experiences when you can blindly trust Google?

Step 2
Ignoring Credentials 

You could check if the company has any certifications or qualifications, but isn’t your gut instinct more reliable? So, go ahead and hire a company with a questionable reputation. It’s sure to be exciting!

Step 3
Skimpy Quotes 

Ask for quotes from cleaning companies, but make sure to be as vague as possible about what you need. That way, you’ll get estimates that will be filled with surprises later on. Who doesn’t like surprises? 

Step 4
Avoid References 

If a company offers references from their satisfied customers, just say no. You wouldn’t want to hear success stories or know if their clients are happy with their services. It’s way more fun to roll the dice. 

Step 5
Disregard Insurance 

Accidents never happen, right? So, go ahead and hire a company without any liability coverage. That way, you can experience the thrilling joy of financial ruin if anything goes awry!

Step 6
Ghost Communication 

Choose a company that takes ages to respond to your calls or emails. Their unreliability will add a touch of suspense to the whole cleaning process. Who knows if they’ll even show up on the agreed date? Mystery at its finest!

Step 7
Untrained Staff 

Make sure the cleaning company doesn’t invest in training its staff. Untrained cleaners bring a delightful element of unpredictability to the job. Will they use the right cleaning products? Will they know how to operate equipment? It’s like watching a train wreck or dumpster fire. Fun, fun, fun!

Step 8
Forego Flexibility 

Ignore any company that offers customized cleaning schedules or adapts to your changing needs. It’s more exciting to deal with a rigid company that can’t accommodate your requirements. Convenience is overrated. 

Step 9
Abandon Follow-ups 

Once you’ve hired a company, forget about communicating with them regularly. Let them do their thing, and you’ll never have to address any issues that may arise. It’s like running with scissors! 

This sarcastic guide is all in good fun, which is how we roll at Kleenrite. In reality, choosing a commercial cleaning company requires careful research, checking references, verifying insurance, and ensuring their services align with your needs. Don’t forget to communicate openly and establish a good working relationship with the company you choose. Happy hunting!

The 7 deadly sins of commercial cleaning

Commercial cleaning is not for the squeamish. The brave souls who gallantly fight germs and bacteria to keep workplaces from resembling a Petrie dish are trained to do battle with just about anything. 

We always try to attack our work in the most efficient way possible. Along the way, we’ve observed some of the most common mistakes made in commercial cleaning. Because we also happen to dig learning, we’ve applied these observations to all that we do. 

Without further ado, here are the top mistakes known to commercial cleaning.

Sucky Training

People aren’t born with a dust cloth in one hand and a mop in the other for crying out loud. To make sure the job is done right, we put our peeps through training so they understand proper cleaning techniques, effective product usage, and how to protect surfaces and equipment from damage. 

Lousy Communication

Remember playing “Telephone” when you were a kid? By the time the last kid got ahold of the original message, it was usually something completely different. We work hard to establish clear communication between cleaning staff and client to avoid misunderstandings and unmet expectations.

Less-Than-Stellar Equipment and Supplies

There ought to be a law against outdated or insufficient cleaning equipment and supplies. The right tools for the job are words we live by.

Neglecting High-Touch Areas

We pledge to never stick our heads in the sand about those high-touch areas like doorknobs, light switches, elevator buttons, or anything else that could be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. 

Making It a Sprint

We’re like a well-oiled machine and we take pride in doing the job right. We don’t cut corners. And we don’t rush to the point of missing things. That’s a promise.

Lax Quality Control

Without the proverbial white glove test, you end up with grumpy customers. That’s why we go through our QC checklist on every job and welcome your feedback on stuff we can improve on. 

Not Keeping Up with Industry Best Practices

This isn’t your grandma’s cleaning service. Times change. Techniques improve. And the tools evolve. We’re fanatics about cleaning so we keep up with the latest trends to make sure you get a squeaky-clean office time after time.

There you have it, folks. We do our absolute best not to violate these deadly sins on every job. Because we’re human, things occasionally don’t go according to expectations. If that ever happens, we wear our big boy and big girl pants to be able to take the heat so we can make it right. 

Until next time, let’s keep it clean!

A day in the life: confessions of a commercial cleaner

Raise your hand if you’ve lost sleep wondering what it’s like to be a commercial cleaner. (Insert chirping cricket sound effects here.)

Since we brought it up, we feel it’s our duty and responsibility to share a somewhat fabricated account of a day in the life of a Kleenrite clean freak. Side note: We’re passionate as hell about cleaning, but we’re not afraid to have a little fun at our expense. 

Buckle up. Here we go…

Morning mayhem

Our story begins at the crack of dawn when most reasonable humans are still snuggled up in their beds. Armed with an arsenal of cleaning supplies and maybe a Red Bull or two to wake us up (hey, we’re human), we boldly enter a client’s workplace. It’s upon entry that we encounter our first “situation.”

What’s that mystery mess?

A quick visual survey of the facility brings up a question we face multiple times per day: What the heck is that? We’ve seen it all. A half-eaten slice of pizza on top of a filing cabinet. A tape dispenser inside the microwave. Get the idea? An office seems to possess a bizarre ability to generate messes that belong in a Ripley’s Believe-It-Or-Not Museum rather than a professional setting. With a quizzical look, our Kleerite pros dive headfirst into the day’s chaotic quest for clean. 

Never mind us. It’s just a dust bunny dance-off.

We’re here to tell you, these creatures can be large and menacing. And because they’re so light, they almost float to give the illusion that they’re dancing. These fluffy rascals take center stage spinning, twirling, and pirouetting across the floor. But don’t be fooled! Our brave cleaning pros with a feather duster in hand along with some epic dance moves of their own, join the fray in hopes of showing even the largest dust bunny who’s boss.

Hello Mr. Grime Monster

Grime monsters thrive in the darkest corners of commercial spaces. From the breakroom microwave to the forgotten coffee stains on desks and conference room tables, they make their homes in the unlikeliest places. But fear not. Our cleaning superheroes are here to save the day with a bottle of “Grime-B-Gone” at their side while humming a heavy metal classic that strikes fear into the hearts of the toughest foes. FYI – “Grime-B-Gone” isn’t a thing. We just made it up.

The office odor mystery

It’s a tale as old as time itself – the quest to discover the source of that mysterious odor wafting around the office for the past week. Our valiant crew is up to the challenge as they sniff their way through the hallways like police dogs. Is it the forgotten lunch in the fridge? Or maybe the rogue banana hiding in that weird guy from Renner’s desk drawer? The anticipation builds until the truth unfolds and we discard the source – sometimes wearing a hazmat suit.

Thank you for joining us on this journey into our world. Sometimes it’s bizarre. Sometimes it’s downright frightening. But we welcome every opportunity we get to make workplaces sparkly clean. Every day is an adventure, and although we love what we do, we thrive on our customers giving us a knowing wink along with a sincere, “Nicely done.” 

Great moments in cleaning history

We get it. Cleaning may not be the most glamorous thing, but to us it’s a source of massive pride and as necessary to life as, say, water.

Because you probably don’t obsess about cleaning like we do, we thought we’d take this opportunity to highlight some truly great moments in cleaning that have left their mark on society. Buckle up, this is going to be fun (for us, anyway)!

No. 1 2800 B.C. – Soap Use Becomes Common

According to ancient folklore, soap was first used by Babylonians to clean pots and pans. Not exactly commercial cleaning, but still a big day that helped set the stage for Kleenrite.

No. 2 1797 – The Invention of the Broom

Let’s hear it for the broom! It’s a simple but effective tool that’s been used for centuries to sweep floors and clean up messes. Legend has it that the first broom was invented by a woman who bound together twigs.
God bless her.

No. 3 1800s – The Origins of Spring Cleaning in America

Spring cleaning got its start from having to clean homes because fireplaces and rudimentary heaters would leave them with a layer of soot. We don’t recommend only cleaning your business in the spring, but still a great moment to be recognized.

No. 4 1870s – The Feather Duster is Invented

Rumor has it, an Iowa farmer took some turkey feathers to a factory and requested they make a brush out ofit. We don’t know who this dude is, but what a visionary!

No. 5 Early 1900s – The Discovery of Antibacterial Soap

Scientists discovered the power of antibacterial soap to kill germs and prevent the spread of disease. This breakthrough revolutionized the cleaning industry and paved the way for the development of countless other cleaning products that we use every single day to keep your workplace sparkly clean.

No. 6 1901 – The Invention of the Vacuum Cleaner

Before the invention of the vacuum cleaner, cleaning carpets and floors was a back-breaking task that required a literal crap-ton of time and effort. In 1901, a man named Hubert Booth invented the first powered vacuum cleaner, which made cleaning floors a breeze. Shouldn’t there be a statue of him somewhere?

Cleaning. To you it’s “meh.” To us, it’s life. Thanks to these great moments in cleaning history, we’re inspired to do our very best each time we walk into your workplace. So, next time you pick up a broom or scrub a surface, remember that you, too, are part of a long and proud tradition of cleaning excellence.